Spice Up the Curriculum with a Culinary Class

More stories from Jalynn Belton

Miami Country Day offers a total of 53 electives and not one of them is cooking. Cooking is a skill we all need to eventually learn in life. In my opinion, I personally think that cooking is an awesome activity to do. 

Cooking can benefit you in a lot of different ways. For example, teaching cooking to youth at a school can be an opportunity to teach nutrition education such as planning meals and making smarter food choices.    Cooking encourages children’s thinking, problem-solving, and creativity which can help them throughout their life.

Many students would enjoy this elective because you still learn things but you can do it in a fun way. I personally think that cooking can teach students many life skills. 

You can also learn skills when you cook. It allows children the opportunity to use the knowledge they have and apply it by counting, measuring, following a sequence, following directions, and cause and effect. It can also help you with your basic math, science and language skills. 

Cooking is creative!

Cooking can also allow you to get very creative with your work. In cooking, often you need to try several recipes or different techniques until you get perfect cookies that melt in your mouth. Being open to learning from failures is key for developing a creative and innovative mind-set. Cooking is one of the activities in which you engage daily, and just like most other activities it can be experienced as a vehicle for self expression and creativity. Being creative in the kitchen can also give you ideas on new things to make and express your own creativity. 

Cooking is creative!

Cooking can also be like a little break for you from all your other classes to relax and enjoy yourself. Psychologists say spending time in the kitchen can help relieve stress and improve your mental health. Cooking can clear the head and relax the body. By cooking your own food at home, you can take full control over the quality of your diet. Cooking high-protein foods like salmon for example can boost your body’s production of serotonin, a natural mood stabilizer which helps to reduce depression and regulate anxiety. One time I was very stressed and annoyed about school but then decided to make some cookies to relax and control my anxiety. 

Cooking elevates well-being

Cooking at home, school or any other places are good for your mental health because cooking is an act of patience, mindfulness, an outlet for creative expression, a means of communication, and helps to raise one’s self esteem as the cook can feel good about doing something positive for their family, themselves or loved ones. 

Cooking can also help depression for any students at school who need to do something to get their mind off of it. Psychologists say cooking and baking are pursuits that fit a type of therapy known as behavioral activation. The goal is to alleviate depression by boosting positive activity, increasing goal-oriented behavior and curbing procrastination and passivity.